Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good News People!!!

Good news today! Good news people!! I got a call from a large international nonprofit for an interview. WOO HOO, Jackpot Y'all! I applied for this position a few weeks ago. I sort of thought they had not been wowed by my amazing skill and my kickin' cover letter. Then, this afternoon, I get a phone call telling me they needed to set up an interview and they were very impressed with my skills and they couldn't wait to talk with me! Okay, I know a lot of times they say that to everyone, but I figure they had a lot of people apply for this position, so I am one of the lucky ones who is actually getting one step closer in the whole application process. At least it's not a "ding" letter. That's the letter you get when they don't pick you for the job. So, that's my big news for today. I will let you know how it goes. Until next time, Diva Divine

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