Sunday, October 26, 2008

Feeling lazy

I am sitting here on my bed when I know I have a million and one things to do right now. I should be unpacking boxes in my den and getting my house in order. I should be exercising. I should be trying to get something done before I go to the nursing home this afternoon for my shift. However, I am sitting here on my bed, typing this post because I really don't feel like doing anything else. I could so take a nap right now. It's cool outside and my bedroom is nice and dark, Bring It On is playing again and I totally get sucked in every time that movie is on. I shouldn't even turn on the television because I am so easily sucked in by anything that comes on, it doesn't matter what it is, I will watch it. I seriously suck.

I do get up and go to Mass this morning. I guess I can count that as a positive in the win column. However, I am convinced I am a magnet for oddness or people who smell really bad. For example, today this guy sits behind me and he seriously smelled foul. Yes, smelled so foul I almost had to get up and move because I thought I was going to be sick. What is it with people who stink sitting close to me? Do I have a sign on my back that says "Sit by me so I can smell your wretched ass and nearly vomit every time I inhale?" Can't people smell their own stink? Do I just have an over active olfactory system? Am I just a mean person whose heightened sense of smell only seems to get her in trouble?

At least all my clothes are hung up now thanks to Ginny and her persistence. She came over the other night and cracked the whip on my lazy ass. She helped me hang up all my clothes and unpack boxes. She also helped me take apart my table and carry it down to the garage. She is the best sister a girl could have. I am so blessed to have her as a sister! Ginny rocks!

I am going to watch Bring It On and laze the time away until I need to get to the nursing home. I will be kicking myself tomorrow when I go back to work and I still have a house that is completely unorganized. I only have myself to blame, so I know where the buck stops. Yeah, that would be with me. Until next time, Diva Divine

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