Yet, more than magazines and Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches (I don't want to go into that guilty pleasure right now, it will only make me think I am hungry, and I'm not hungry) I love PostSecret.
If you haven't heard of PostSecret, allow me to introduce you. PostSecret is the website started by Frank Warren. People send in their homemade postcards with their secrets and Frank posts them online every Sunday. He has actually published four books containing the postcards all the people have sent in over the years. Some of the postcards have been online and others have never been seen until they come out in the book.
It's like Christmas morning on Sunday because I have to check the website to see the new secrets. I love to read other people's secrets and see their artwork. Some of the postcards are very simple and straightforward. Others are really elaborate and deep. Reading the secrets every week is like finding that secret inside yourself that you were afraid to acknowledge. Sometimes I wonder if people I know have sent in secrets. That is half the fun of reading the secrets. Who knows, maybe someone I know has sent in a secret.
Here are a few of my favorites....

Since tomorrow is Sunday, Frank will be posting new secrets. You can check out new secrets every Sunday at www.PostSecret.Blogspot.Com
Now I will leave you with my of my many secrets....Until next time, Diva Divine

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