I have no idea why, at 2:45 a.m., I am still awake. Further more, I don't know why I am watching the Food Network. Being awake this late at night watching the Food Network is never a good thing. It can only lead to bad things. I'm watching Unwrapped with Marc Summers....you remember him from Double Dare on Nickelodeon? Yeah, that show where they slimed you and you had to go through the physical challenges in the obstacle course and find the flags stuck in places like a huge nose filled with green slime-like snot or you had to climb up a slide covered in whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
Well, after sitting here watching Marc talk about Black and White cookies and Carvel Ice Cream Cake, I have an intense craving for a big cupcake or a slice of cake. Anything of cake-like consistency will do. I know I have nothing in my house resembling cake or anything cake-like. This is probably a good thing. It's too late to go looking for something cake-like because I think everything around me is closed, or if it is not closed, I am not getting my happy ass dressed just to satisfy a craving. I don't need any thing like a cake. I don't even think I am really hungry. It's because I have been seeing all these tasty treats on the television.
I had to turn off the Food Network. It was getting to me. It was either turn the channel or I was going to have to make a cake....and eat the whole thing. Okay, I probably wouldn't eat the whole thing, but I would eat it and blow my caloric intake for the entire day. Dr. G. always says if you are craving something, and you aren't really hungry, try to take your mind off of it by keeping your hands busy. At times, I have had some strong cravings and I have had to leave my house. If I can get my mind off of what I am craving for ten minutes, I am usually okay. Dr. G. has also said if after ten or fifteen minutes you are still craving something and you just have to have it, only have a little bit of it. Just enough to satisfy your craving. I can usually get over my craving without eating what I am craving. Sometimes I will substitute another food, something that is healthy, or not as high in calories. I like to eat a yogurt or a handful of dry cereal. Even the 100 calorie packs of snacks work well. I just have to remember I can only have 1 pack. Sometimes I will brush my teeth because who wants to eat after they've brushed their teeth? I have all kinds of tricks to take my mind off eating when I don't need to eat.
Okay, my craving for cupcakes has subsided somewhat. I am doing much better. I think I will make it. It only took about 15 minutes to get over the "I want a cupcake. NOW!" craving. I really don't want cake now....okay, not as bad as I did earlier. Now, if the cupcake fairy came in right now, I would probably only want to lick the icing off the cupcake....oh, I am so bad.
Maybe I should just go to bed. I think that might be a good idea. Until next time, I think I am going to steer clear of the Food Network. No cupcakes. Cupcakes are evil. I have to remind myself of this visualization....it's just Crisco dipped in Sugar.....YUCK!! Okay, my craving for cupcakes is now gone! Whatever works....until next time, Diva Divine
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