Monday, August 4, 2008

It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare

In all the excitement of last week, I forgot to tell you all about my dream, or should I say, my nightmare. I don't always remember my dreams, but there are times when I do and this was one I did remember. I don't always remember my dreams as soon as I get up either, sometimes, it is something that I see or something that happens in day that triggers my memory. This was the case last week. I was driving to the gym Wednesday morning when suddenly, I remembered my nightmare from the previous night.

The dream/nightmare went something like this. I was standing in front of a school. The school turns out to be the rival elementary school of my childhood elementary school, but the building doesn't look the same. I walk into the building and go to the office. Then, suddenly I am being told about "my class". Huh? Excuse me, what class? I look down at what I am wearing and I am wearing a school hoodie, like that is professional. The school secretary sends me off to the cafeteria to get the kids. I am all worried because I have no clue what I am teaching and I don't know my students. I don't have my classroom ready either.

I walk into a room that resembles an auditorium, but it seems like it is now a cafeteria because the kids are eating lunch. Why the kids are eating lunch when they just got to school is way beyond me. The principal is running the cafeteria and the principal, I can't tell if it is a man or a woman, tells me to go get my things so I can be ready for the kids. I go to a workroom and meet the people I work with, and I learn that one of the other teachers isn't there yet. I guess I am not as behind as I thought.

I get some school stuff together and I walk back to the auditorium/cafeteria. I realize that I have been in this room before, in a previous dream. During that dream, the room was being used for a talent contest, but it was the same room. I can see the students, but I can't make out their faces, they're just kids, nothing that defines them from one another. It is really weird. I take my students out of the cafeteria/auditorium and that is all I can remember.

I don't want to go back to teaching. I have no desire to step foot back into a classroom. I don't know what this dream means, perhaps it's my way of leaving teaching behind. I can't see the kids faces and in my dream, it is obvious I don't really want to be there because I am not prepared in the least. I like my job. I wouldn't want to go back to teaching. So, I can't figure out why I am having dreams like this.

I hope I don't have anymore dreams/nightmares like that one. That's enough to scare you so much you wouldn't want to sleep. Until next time, Diva Divine

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